$10,000 Winner

On February 23rd, Prescott Area Women Who Care voted Prescott Meals on Wheels as the winner of $10,000 to help offset the costs of purchasing new thermal bags! The organization competed against two other local nonprofits. In his presentation, Neal Sneller, Executive Director of Prescott Meals since July 2023, highlighted the vision and mission of the the local non-profit which recently celebrated 50 years of service in the community. Holding up an thermal bag that is used daily on one of the routes, Sneller offered an effective visual aid, providing tangibility to their gift. He also focused his presentation on how the Women Who Care group could solve this immediate need and how new bags will have a lasting and profound impact.  

Thank you Prescott Area Women Who Care for the generous gift. Prescott Meals on Wheels looks forward to deepening more meaningful relationships with this group of highly networked women as they partner in the mission to enable adults in our community to live with independence and dignity.

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March 14

Due to expected weather conditions, our offices and dining room will be closed on Friday, March 14. Please note that there will be no deliveries on this day.

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